
Valid formats

BitClust inherits valid trajectory and topology formats from MDTraj.

Valid trajectory extensions are: .dcd, .dtr, .hdf5, .xyz, .binpos, .netcdf, .prmtop, .lh5, .pdb, .trr, .xtc, .xml, .arc, .lammpstrj and .hoomdxml.

If trajectory format does not include topological information, user must pass a path to a topology file. Valid topology extensions are: .pdb, .pdb.gz, .h5, .lh5, .prmtop, .parm7, .prm7, .psf, .mol2, .hoomdxml, .gro, .arc and .hdf5.

Default usage

Once BitClust installed, you can have access to the program’s help, which contains short descriptions of available arguments, by running

$ bitclust -h

Only one argument is always mandatory, -traj, which specifies the path to the trajectory file. If the trajectory format does not provide topological information of the system, it must be supplied from a topology file through the -top argument. All other arguments are always optional and if not explicitly specified they will take their default values commented below.

A minimal run like

$ bitclust -top tau_6K.pdb -traj tau_6K.dcd

loads the tau_6K.dcd trajectory into tau_6K.pdb coordinates (both present at current working directory as not path was provided) and performs a clustering job using Daura’s algorithm with a cutoff of 1A (-cutoff 1) on the whole trajectory.

Arguments -first, -last and -stride can be used to select an interval (they default to 0, last frame and 1 respectively).

Default atom selection corresponds to all atoms (-sel all). BitClust will retrieve all clusters with at least 2 frames (-size 2).

Frame 0 will be used as reference (-ref 0) to make an RMSD graph. All produced output will be saved in the current working directory (-odir .).

Default outputs

BitClust outputs basic graphics for fast inspection of the clustering job results (see figure below). All these graphs and others can be constructed from two generated text files: clusters_statistics.txt and frames_statistics.txt.

The first one contains as columns every cluster ID` (starting from 0, -1 corresponding to unclustered frames), their size, the percent this size represents from the total of frames and the center frame of every cluster.

The second file contains as columns every frame ID (starting from 0), the cluster ID where every frame belongs to and the RMSD value of every frame respect to the specified reference (default reference is frame 0).

BitClust’s basic graph outputs

Figure A: RMSD of all frames in trajectory versus reference frame passed to argument -ref. Useful for fast visualization of trajectory’s geometrical dispersion.

Figure B: Superposition of first five clusters onto Figure A. Useful for fast visualization of most populated clusters location along the trajectory.

Figure C: Clusters (including outliers in red) size. Useful for inspection of clusters relative population.

Figure D: Cluster lines. Useful to qualitatively assessment on temporal distribution of clusters.


Selection syntax

BitClust inherits atom selection syntax from MDTraj which is similar to that in VMD. We reproduce below some of the MDTraj examples. Note that in BitClust all keywords (or their synonyms) string are passed directly to -sel argument as it is illustrated in the Usage Examples section. For more details on possible syntax, please refer to MDTraj original documentation.

MDTraj recognizes the following keywords.

Keyword Synonyms Type Description
all everything bool Matches everything
none nothing bool Matches nothing
backbone is_backbone bool Whether atom is in the backbone of a protein residue
sidechain is_sidechain bool Whether atom is in the sidechain of a protein residue
protein is_protein bool Whether atom is part of a protein residue
water is_water, waters bool Whether atom is part of a water residue
name   str Atom name
index   int Atom index (0-based)
type element, symbol str 1 or 2-letter chemical symbols from the periodic table
mass   float Element atomic mass (daltons)
residue resSeq int Residue Sequence record (generally 1-based, but depends on topology)
resid resi int Residue index (0-based)
resname resn str Residue name
rescode code, resc` str 1-letter residue code
chainid   int Chain index (0-based)


Standard boolean operations (and, or, and not) as well as their C-style aliases (&&, ||, !) are supported. The expected logical operators (<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >) are also available, as along with their FORTRAN-style synonyms (lt, le, eq, ne, ge, gt).

Range queries

Range queries are also supported. The range condition is an expression of the form <expression> <low> to <high>, which resolves to <low> <= <expression> <= <high>. For example

# The following queries are equivalent
-sel "resid 10 to 30"
-sel "(10 <= resid) and (resid <= 30)"

Usage examples

Next, you will find some usage examples of BitClust.

# An interval (1000 frames) of tau_6K.pdb trajectory (no topology file is needed)
# will be clustered with default values for all other arguments (see help section).

$ bitclust  -traj tau_6K.pdb -first 0 -last 100000 -stride 100
# Clustering all atoms but hydrogen´ ones.

$ bitclust -top tau_6K.pdb -traj tau_6K.dcd -sel "\"name =~ '[^H.*]'\""
# Backbone atoms of trajectory tau_6K.dcd will be clustered using a cutoff of 4 A.
# Retrieved clusters will have at least 15 frames and output RMSD graphs will use
# frame 2580 (counting from 0) as a reference structure.

$ bitclust -top tau_6K.pdb -traj tau_6K.dcd -sel "backbone" -cutoff 4 -minsize 15 -ref 2580
# Default run saving results to local/test/run1 (relative path to current working directory)

$ bitclust  -traj tau_6K.pdb -odir "local/test/run1"